M.Burkat & L.Klein - A place called nowhere 1/3 - Bound-23.1

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Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 09.08.06 - 08:56
Wohnort: Mannheim

M.Burkat & L.Klein - A place called nowhere 1/3 - Bound-23.1

Beitrag von norman »

After the big success of their first collaboration album THE ONE FAMILY THING, here is the follow up now. After a relatively quiet period for productions the two german djs/producers now hit back with a vengeance with a strong album release that has set a new standard for both of them.
The initial thought to join forces in the studio again, came in December 2005 when the two guys deejayed together on a huge event. The atmosphere there made them think of another place which cannot be found in this life, a surreal environment, full of dreams and visions.
Returning from that gig the first hours in the studio were spent directly after. Having in mind, that there could be places that exist on another level, even in another dimension, we cannot enter. The idea for the album structures were born, and the search for the acoustic transformation of the nowhere-places began.After months of studio work Lars and Michael finished about 20 tracks, and it was hard for them to make a selection for the album.
Finally they made the right choice of tracks, giving the listener both, a well produced techno album and a clearly structured definition of Lars and Michaels idea of the places called nowhere.
All 10 tracks are nothing but mindblowing techno tracks and essential for large PAs, special devices made to wake up anyone, who’s not paying attention on the floor. The 4 intros just take your breath away, displaying depth as well as solid production skills.


ab heute in den stores !!!!

greetz norman
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 09.08.06 - 08:56
Wohnort: Mannheim

Beitrag von norman »

die nummer 2 ist schon in den stores, die nummer 3 folgt diese woche.

BOUND 23.2

BOUND 23.3

greetz norman